FlightMirage - Filter - Displaying aircraft on the map and only showing those between certain heights.


My motive for writing the FlightMirage program was to be able to see and record information about the many RAF helicopter and small training aircraft that blight the area around my home and in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.  It's not that good because the RAF do not transmit the aircraft positions. The cynical would say this is only to make it harder for noise campainers to gather evidence against them. So you see the aircraft that are in your area and their identity but it is not possible to plot their positions by using your radio receiver.  However web sites like ADSBExchange can use MLAT to determine aircraft positions and you can get that information from them by using FlightMirage's Oneshot function or downloading directly from the ADSBExchange website.

The filter menu lets you filter the aircraft by height.  So for instance if you were interested in nuisance RAF flights you can show only aircraft below 6000 feet because the RAF flights for helicopters and the RAF Grob airplanes normally fly below that level.  The other thing you can do is to show only flights above 300 ft.  This is to allow you to filter out aircraft that are on the ground.  The filter works on the map with live data from your USB radio and also from Oneshot.  It also works with JSON files in the Replay mode.

Flights with out using a filter.


Flights using a filter.


For the FlightMirage main web page see http://www.stevematt.f9.co.uk/flightmirage/index.html.

My home page


Last updated 29 October 2020