FlightMirage - Oneshot - downloading aircraft positions from the opensky-network.org website and displaying them on your map..


When you click on the Oneshot (gun) icon to show opensky-network.org aircraft on your map.  The program uses a URL like https://opensky-network.org/api/states/all?lamin=45.8389&lomin=5.9962&lamax=47.8229&lomax=10.5226 to get a JSON file and save it in the same folder location as the Flightmirage program.
This is described on the https://opensky-network.org/apidoc/rest.html website. The oneshot.json file is copied to a new file named oneshotnl.json with the data split into seperate lines.  The aircraft positions in the oneshotnl.json file will be shown until another view mode is selected.  If you want to update the oneshotnl.json file you can click on the Oneshot icon again.  You can zoom in to space the aircraft out and move around with the Pan buttons or the keyboard arrow keys. Flightmirage can not display aircraft in the Southern Hemisphere that might be coded later on.

There is no need to create an account on the opensky-network.org website.  If you decide to create an account be wary of their terms and conditions.  Particularly their INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY terms especially if you intend to use their data for commercial use.

The Oneshot function allows you to see aircraft on your map that you might not be able to display from data received by your radio stick.  It can also show aircraft far away such as in the screen shot below of Singapore.


For the FlightMirage main web page see http://www.stevematt.f9.co.uk/flightmirage/index.html.

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Last updated 29 October 2020