The Frame rate dialog. Ways that it can be used.

clock    Opens the Frame rate dialog


The Time in ms value can be typed in or set by clicking one of the three FPS buttons.
The FPS buttons set normal frame rate of 25 FPS (40 ms), 12.5 FPS (80ms) or 6.25 FPS (160 ms).  That allows a FPS rate of normal, half speed or quarter speed to be quickly set. 
Some web sites can play videos at various speeds.  By choosing to play a video at half speed and record at half the normal FPS rate.  When a new video is created using Avidemux the video will then be played at 25 FPS and run at it's normal speed.  This is useful on a slow PC when you can't record at the normal frame rate. Recording at half frame rate might let you record all the frames.  One downside of this is that if you also want to record the sound then you will have to do that seperately.

If you want to just take a series of jpg screen images and use them as they are rather than making a video you can type in a higher value for the FPS time period. For example if you typed in 5000 then one jpg would be taken every five seconds.

The centre three frame copy buttons are used with screen mode 0 and were an earlier attempt to bring the recorded jpgs up to 25 FPS.  The bottom three skip buttons force frames to be skipped.  Neither of these sets of buttons are very useful now because screen mode 3 with auto fill afterwards works better.

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Last updated 21 February 2019